So far, Cycle 1 is coming along. I designed the two towers of the facility, as well as the mechanics, objects, and abilities needed to progress through them. I'm putting the list up on the forums and the group page as well, so that they may be easily accessed by the members of our team. Here's the stuff that will be needed for the levels thus far, categorized  for your reading convenience. Since that will be up and running, by the time everyone cranks out the assets on the list, I should have more of the cycle designed, Then I can make another list of assets, for the team to develop, while I start putting together the actual level. If assets aren't ready yet, I ca always make the ground and wall colliders, and wait on the objects.

  So while Chris spends today working on the opening level(s) for the first Cycle, I'll be spending my day working on the story.  While older games with similar gameplay from our childhood had loose stories that could be summed up in one sentence, " save the princess","defeat the evil blah blah blah". My aim for Project:Moonphase is to have a deep story and characters that people will care about.  And while elaborate cut scenes are pretty and fun to watch at times, ideally, the story will unfold during the gameplay, and will enhance it, not detract from it.  
  How many times have you been playing a game and been forced to stop by some lengthy dialogue or cut scene that you just wanted to skip anyway because you didn't care what the story was, you just wanted to get back to actually doing something? I want the players to explore every inch of Chris's elaborate levels looking for any little piece of story they can find because they just have to know more.  
  That being said, I should stop procrastinating and get to writing the story instead of this blog.    
So today, I was released early since it was ridiculously slow. Much to the dismay of my fiance` (She's still stuck there), I left after only having worked for an hour. Shibby!

Most people on a hot day like today, would take this rare opportunity to go to the beach, but not I! I have design work to do! During my very slow hour in which I only took 10 calls, I had started sketching out the entire facility in which Project Moonphase takes place. I have done a top view, and a frontal isometric view, working on the standard front and side views now, then I'll begin the interior floor plan. I made the place nice and big, with a few towers, so we could do varying floors, and areas without having to invent more places outside the facility for levels within Cycle 1.

I hope to have a layout up to the infection done today, whilst not further angering my fiance` by blowing off dishes and other cleaning duties. I will post some pics on the forums of my sketches once I have more done.
